Eternal Ritual
  4th Night

A/N: Misunderstandings cleared up now! And on to the next phase of their music!


4th Night


Yoru tossed and turned in his bed, unable to rest peacefully. Kage was acting suspiciously… with that prat Hideaki! Frustrated and angry, Yoru sat up and pulled on his coat and exited his room, hoping that a night walk would calm him down.


“Yoru?” Akatsuki called. Apparently he didn’t hear it, as he walked away hurriedly, apparently quite upset about something. Akatsuki took a step forward but hesitated about following him. The whole band knew that he was upset about her older twin’s behavior towards him and the new manager. Even she herself felt that her brother was acting rather strangely. Was he really doing something with Hide-san? She shrugged and left it as it is.


Yoru flipped his cell phone open and dialed a number as he got out of the hotel entrance.


“Hello?” a voice answered.


“Hey… is this Gail?” Yoru asked nervously. This was the second time he called. The first time he chatted with them on the phone, it ended a couple of hours later, due to Gail’s fandom.


“Is this… Yoru-san?” the voice asked in disbelief, “It’s been a while!”


“Um yeah,” Yoru said, “I’m wondering if you’re free now? You live in Shinjuku right? We’re back in Shinjuku now and I’m hoping that you can accompany me for a drink?”


“Oh hell yes, that’s awesome!” Gail said in delight, and then asked after a short pause, “Can Rayne come along?”


“Of course,” Yoru replied with a chuckle. After saying their goodbyes and a confirmation of their meeting place at a nearby pub, Yoru sighed. At least he has some company to help him forget his negative feelings at the moment.



“Yoru-san!” Yoru heard Gail’s uncannily excited voice call him. He turned to see the man and his long-haired partner walking towards him and sat on his table across him.


“Well, you look… normal without the get-up,” Gail teased. “Just like the old times, eh?” Yoru nodded, knowing that Gail was referring to the time when Eternal Midnight was just a normal heavy metal gothic band.


“I prefer you look in Visual Kei though,” Rayne added shyly. Yoru remembered Gail teasingly adding that Rayne was crazy over Visual Kei boys when they first had their conversation over the phone. He laughed inwardly when reminded of the loud smack being heard of the phone, most likely getting a well-deserved smack from his embarrassed lover.


“So, what made you invite us out?” Gail asked as he took a gulp of beer from the beer mug he ordered.


“Just needed some company,” Yoru tried to smile. Both Gail and Rayne eyed him suspiciously for a moment.


“Not meaning to be rude, but that’s bullshit,” Gail said suddenly, “We can tell you’re upset over something.”


“…” Yoru didn’t want to answer, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do to avoid being questioned like this. He then asked a rather strange question at the moment, “You two are together right?”


“Eh?” Gail looked dumbstruck at the question, while Rayne’s light complexion immediately reddened, blushing furiously and almost choking at the beer.


“Oh come on, everyone in Eternal Midnight knew right away.”


“Um, right,” Gail said nervously, “…And does that have to do with anything?”


“Well…” Yoru started, “What if, your lover is… cheating on you with your… superior, and is somehow deliberately flaunting that relationship?”


“Hey now,” Gail grinned.


“Is this about you and Kage-san?”


“What?!” Yoru felt his face warming up. How did they know? As if reading his mind, Rayne answered with a patient smile.


“We’re not dumb too, Yoru-san,” glancing at Gail, Rayne added, “We know a relationship when we see one.”


“Oh,” Yoru said dumbly.


“So is that what Kage-san is doing to you?” Gail asked slowly, unsure whether it was the right question to ask.


“…I hope not.”


“Well? Come on, be precise,” Gail urged.


“I’m not sure what he’s doing with our manager,” Yoru said bitterly, taking long gulps of beer as he did, “But he’s been having… private talks with that asshole, I’m afraid to even think about it.”


“But, have you caught them in the act, whatsoever?” Rayne asked gently. Yoru thanked him mentally for being so considerate.


“No, but…”


“Hm?” both men asked eagerly.


“The way Kage reacts… the way he looks at the prat is different… As if he’s very interested or intrigued with him,” Yoru bit his lip unconsciously in hidden rage.


“So you’re jealous?” Gail said blatantly. Rayne kicked him under the table, signaling his insensitivity.


“Well duh! Who wouldn’t when your lover’s spending more time with another man?!” Yoru slammed the table top, drawing curious looks from other customers. Fortunately nobody recognized him without his Visual Kei getup, and the murmurings died down soon after.


“Sorry,” Gail muttered. Yoru sighed and shook his head in resignation.


“It’s fine,” Yoru sighed again. Rayne and Gail only stared at him in worry and concern as Yoru continued drinking more beer. After 3 more large mugs, it was clear that Yoru was hardly sober. Unable to help any more than they could, Gail and Rayne had to call up Hiai (using Yoru’s cell phone) to take him back to his hotel room.



“Kage,” Hiai called to the green-eyed man as he exited out of the manager’s room. Kage turned to look at him without answering. Hiai sighed, “What’ve you been doing in there? You’ve been in there for hours. People are feeling suspicious, especially Yoru, and you know that.”


“…” Kage looked down for awhile, then returned his steely gaze to the taller man, “I know.”


“Then do something about it,” Hiai reprimanded, “He looks like he’s going to do something reckless sooner or later.” Kage didn’t say anything. Hiai scratched his head in frustration, “I even had to pick him up from a pub all drunk and all. You should go see how he is now and clear up whatever mess you guys are having.”


“…Yeah,” Kage mumbled and turned to leave. Hiai shrugged and knocked on the manager’s door and entered.


“Hiai? What do you want?” Hideaki said, smoking away and was half naked.


“What exactly are you doing with Kage?”


“Not much,” Hideaki said simply.


Hide-san,” Hiai said with a dangerous tone, referring to the man’s half-nakedness.


“We were playing, alright?” the older man said and stood up, putting on his shirt.


Playing?!” Hiai exclaimed with alarm.


“Playing strip poker,” Hideaki continued. “And damn, that boy is good. I had to strip down to my boxers!”



“Yoru?” Kage knocked on the hotel room door. He listened hard for a reply. None came. Just as Kage was about to leave, he heard a couple of crashes, as if somebody had stumbled into the furniture. Then the door clicked and opened. An intoxicated Yoru was at the door, leaning onto the wall for support. Kage thought he looked both sleepy and messed up; clearly this guy was drunk as he could smell alcohol from his breath.


“What do you want?” Yoru muttered, covering his eyes with his arm and resting his hand on the door. Kage didn’t answer but pushed his way in, dragging the drunken boy into the room and onto the bed.


“Let me go!” Yoru slapped Kage’s hand away, then flopped onto the bed, groaning at his headache.


“Yoru…” Kage started, but Yoru snapped back.


“Don’t talk to me! Why don’t you go look for that dickhead of a manager of ours!” Yoru growled and turned to his side, away from Kage’s standing figure beside the bed.


“Yoru,” Kage repeated sternly, “I’ve been talking to Hide-san about our projects.”


“Pfft,” Yoru snorted. As if he’d believe that shit.


“Really, I wanted to ask him if we could make a music video soon, to boost our ratings,” Kage continued, not really caring whether Yoru was listening and sat beside the sulking man. Kage tried again, “Yoru!” Still not answering, Kage sighed and called gently, “Yoru.”


“Whatever, I need sleep,” Yoru grunted. He heard Kage sigh once more and felt him get off the bed.


“You dumbass,” Kage said again and left the room. Yoru wasn’t sure, but he thought he heard a hurtful tone in Kage’s voice.


“I am a dumbass,” Yoru muttered to himself and went to sleep.



“Oi, Midnight-sama, gather here,” Hideaki called to the band who just had their breakfast.


“What is it, old man?” Yoru grumbled. He stole a quick glimpse of Kage, who had his usual expressionless face on.


“Well, the sooner we finish up with your songs, the faster we can get to the prize of the…” the older man seemed to look for a word, “never mind. It’ll be something you guys would look forward to.”


“What would that be?” Akatsuki asked, munching on her cereal.


“I’ve discussed with the other staff; we can take a step further by making your very first music video once we complete you recordings on your second single,” Hideaki replied with a grin.


“Really?! A music video?! Awesome!!” Akumu jumped up from his seat. Akatsuki shared the joy, jumping up with him as well.


“Oh?” Hiai raised an eyebrow, “And when did you decide on this?”


“Yesterday,” Hideaki replied curtly, sipping his coffee. His eyes glanced at Yoru, then back to Hiai, “Kage suggested it. I figured it was too early, but then Tsuki made a call to me suggesting the same thing.”


“Mother did?” Akatsuki perked up, in surprise.


“Yeah, she did. She was worried about you all, and threatened to do something I will fear for the rest of my life if she finds out if her children are being… abused,” Hideaki said with a grimace. Akatsuki suppressed a giggle, for she pictured the amusing conversation in her head.


“Kage-san, you sure we’re up for it? For you to suggest us having a music video?” Akumu asked.


“Yeah, we’ll be fine,” Kage replied with a small smile. Yoru refrained himself from looking at Kage. Damn, was he wrong.


“Now that’s been cleared up,” Hideaki lit another cigarette, “Go do your work now!”


“I’ll go call Aya-chan! She can help us with the intro; I managed to do the finishing touches last night with Hiai~” Akatsuki said cheerfully, winking at Hiai who blushed and looked away.


“Ah, I’ll go get her then?” Akumu asked hopefully. As the rest of them left, Kage and Yoru were the only ones at the table. Yoru shifted uncomfortably in his seat.


“I’ll go to the studio then,” Kage said monotonously and got of his seat. Yoru grabbed his wrist on impulse and looked up at Kage, their eyes in contact.


“I’m really…” Yoru said and mumbled, “Sorry…”


“I didn’t catch that,” Kage said cruelly.


“I said I’m sorry,” Yoru said a little louder this time, avoiding Kage’s ever piercing green gaze.


“You’re a real dumbass alright,” Yoru heard him say. He looked up and saw Kage giving a gentle smile which Yoru knew was genuine and accepting. Yoru stood up and hugged him tight, smiling all the way.


“Dumbass!” Kage punched him in the stomach.


“OWWW!!” Yoru yelled, passer-bys staring at them.


“Don’t do mushy things with me in public!” Kage scolded. Yoru stared at him in confusion. Kage unexpectedly grinned, “Now let’s go work on our single.”

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